Hey Y'all,
I forgot to tell you we had transfers this week so P-day is on Tuesday instead of Monday, whoops. I've decided to try and make my letters a little bit shorter from now on for 2 reasons. 1. I'm trying to plant both feet in this mission and writing those super long letters is kind of distracting. And 2. It gets very monotonous. We teach and preach the gospel everyday, just to different people, and most of the time it's perfectly average. So anyways I'll hit you up with the out of the ordinary stuff we do from now on. We ended up teaching seminary Tuesday morning and ended up preparing the totally wrong lesson for it, soooo we threw everything out the window introduced them to Johnny Lingo (they'd never heard of it!) while we read the lesson plan.We had our last district meeting as a district Wednesday. Super sad. I love our district! So we took a district pic and separated back. We had the trunk or treat on Friday and that was super fun. Us and the sisters got to judge the chili, desert, and trunks to see whose was best. I was so dang full. People down here know how to do chili right! I had my first fo' real bible bash on Sunday and it was freaking awesome. Oh! I almost forgot! I blessed my first house! It was so freaking weird kneeling down and blessing an inanimate object, but sweet at the same time. I felt like I should be yelling, casting out the devil and such but I decided against it. A miracle this week, we were going to find a media referral that we have been meaning to contact and went to the right address but he didn't live there. But we met who was there, a sweet old lady named Sue, who we taught the restoration too and she seemed decently interested! We still need to check back with her but it was pretty cool finding someone you didn't expect too! And yesterday we randomly went to a Wendy's in Waldo and this guy Andre who took our order, started asking us what church we go to and he said he was interested so we gave him a restoration pamphlet with our number on the back! It was sweet. Oh and we survived transfers! Below is probably in my top 3 favorite conference talk from the most recent session. By D. Todd christofferson.
Christ died not to save indiscriminately but to offer repentance. We rely “wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save” in the process of repentance, but acting to repent is a self-willed change. So by making repentance a condition for receiving the gift of grace, God enables us to retain responsibility for ourselves. Repentance respects and sustains our moral agency: “And thus mercy can satisfy the demands of justice, and encircles them in the arms of safety, while he that exercises no faith unto repentance is exposed to the whole law of the demands of justice; therefore only unto him that has faith unto repentance is brought about the great and eternal plan of redemption.”
Misunderstanding God’s justice and mercy is one thing; denying God’s existence or supremacy is another, but either will result in our achieving less--sometimes far less--than our full, divine potential. A God who makes no demands is the functional equivalent of a God who does not exist. A world without God, the living God who establishes moral laws to govern and perfect His children, is also a world without ultimate truth or justice. It is a world where moral relativism reigns supreme.
Free Forever, to Act for Themselves
The church is true y'all! Have a great week!
Elder Toolson
Back Row: Elder Dean, Elder Greenlaw, Elder Francom, Elder Collett, Elder Sharp, Elder Green, Elder Toolson, Elder Lane
Front Row: Sister Perkes, Sister Snelgrove, Sister Donahue, Sister Koenig, Sister, Hart, Sister Atkinson, Sister Williams, Sister Davidson
Front Row: Sister Perkes, Sister Snelgrove, Sister Donahue, Sister Koenig, Sister, Hart, Sister Atkinson, Sister Williams, Sister Davidson