Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Parties and Knocking Doors

December 23, 2014

Hey Y'all!
     It's been another great week here in Florida preaching the gospel. On Tuesday we pretty much did regular missionary work, a little bit of finding and met with Jerry.  Tuesday nights are always a blast because it's basketball night. Have I ever told y'all about Starke ball before? It's insane. A ton of black dudes show up and man, they know how to play. It's crazy stuff. This past Wednesday we had District Meeting here in Starke and that went pretty well. Afterwards I got to go on a trade off with Elder Andersen! Me and him are pretty tight. I went to Lake Butler with him and we did service for this older lady,Gale. Man, there was some work to be done on that yard! We worked for maybe two and a half hours and got like a 1/4 of the yard picked up. We had to find ways to keep ourselves entertained (giving each other rides in the wheelbarrow, pine cone basketball, etc.) Anyways after that we had to rush off to the youth activity which was one of those things where you eat dinner at someone's house and then go to another house and have dessert. It was pretty fun! The ward pretty much knows me in Lake Butler because I always go there on trade offs. It was funny because it's still pretty recent after transfers and they thought I was the new missionary so they asked me to bear my testimony and us and the sisters had to sing for the youth. It's always a blast in Lake Butler. Thursday we headed out to Orange Park for the Mission wide Christmas Party which was AWESOME. I got to see my old buddies Elder Lane and Elder Greenlaw and Elder Averett. Man our district sure has changed. All the zones performed skits and some of them were super good! Our zone acted out The Hope of God's Light Mormon Message. We ate some super good food, and had a great Christmas program in the chapel afterwards.  On Friday we basically did finding for most of the day but my favorite part was when we bumped into this guy, Gonzalez. He's super Old and a Roman Catholic. The first thing he said was, "If your selling religion, I ain't buying it." But somehow we got him to soften up and he took us around the side of his house and showed us his koi pond. He talked in between for like half an hour about how awesome his koi pond is and how he's prepared to shoot anyone that comes to his house when the end of the world comes. "Keep watching" he says. People like him keep door knocking interesting. Saturday we had our Ward Christmas Party that night and that was amazing! A ton of investigators and less-actives showed up. We ate some great food (pretty much always the case in the south) talked with everyone and then all the kids (and missionaries) got to see Santa Claus. I have an awesome picture, I'll have to attach it. Yesterday was a pretty uneventful day of finding. We tried a ton of potentials, less actives, and knocked doors, but pretty much everyone was gone, busy, or not interested. We had dinner at the bishops that night. and they all sat around the table and I sat next to their seven year old son, Maverick. Me and him are tight. He told me a ton of knock knock jokes that made like no sense and did the craziest stuff haha! We shared a little message with them and headed across town to the Barber's birthday party and talked to them for a little bit and watched Reese (about 10) down some drops of hot sauce and tabasco. It's been a pretty crazy week but things are slowing down in the misisonary work department, they usually do around holidays... but we'll keep working! I got everyone's Christmas letters and packages so thank you to all who sent me something!!! I love it. Can't wait to open them. Have a great Christmas week y'all!

Elder Toolson

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