Hey Y'all!
This week has been a CRAZY one. Monday we had P-day and all of the elders played soccer. Elder Loder got kicked in the foot and hurt something so he's been on crutches for the past week and we call him "crutchy" now.
Tuesday we had a trade off with the Zone Leaders in their area and it was super fun. I was with Elder Foust and we had a fun time. We saw some people and went and got this guy's mail. We went out with the bishop that night to a less active member's house and they told me that I looked like Pee-Wee Herman and a young Buddy Holly, haha! When we asked who they wanted to say the closing prayer they said, "How about Buddy Holly over there?" Oh my goodness. And then the bishop took us out for Firehous Subs! Firehouse Subs is the bomb.
Wednesday we did service raking leaves with the Zone Leaders and then came back to our area. Thursday was super good. Friday we did service for Bro. Luke in the First Ward. All the elders in our district were there and we helped him rake leaves and cut stuff. After that we weekly planned and went out to see people.
Saturday was awesome! Ivan got baptized into the 1st Ward. It was the first baptismal interview I'd ever done, so it was a good learning experience. It was insanely spiritual and people were crying. It was great. And the Jensens from the first ward's kids were there and they LOVE me so they sat with me in the back and were just going nuts the whole time.
Saturday night and yesterday we had stake conference and Elder MacArthur of the seventy came. We also got kidnapped by the bishop last night to eat dinner and we spent forever over there. The food was so good though.
My week has been awesome! Hope y'all have too! I think my pictures tell my week better than I do haha. Email me if you have questions! Also, shoutout to Kameron and Hunter for sending me 5 1/2 Pounds of Swedish Fish this week. Holy cavities.
Elder Dean and Elder Toolson at Chick-fil-a
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