January 4, 2016
Hey y'all!
This week has been a long one. Monday we saw this super nice old couple and took our bishop with us.
Tuesday was probably the most notable day of the week. We had district meeting that morning and it was great! We all went out to Chili's afterwards and had district lunch together. Me and Elder Loder from 1st ward went on a trade-off in my area. It was AWESOME. A really cool experience. We had 2 crazy awesome miracles happen. We prayed before we knocked doors that we would find an awesome christian lady who wanted to learn more and she was the first person we talked too! Her name is Abby and she's great. And later on in the night I had to use the restroom and I prayed to find someone who would just let us into their house haha. But it worked! And we found this awesome guy Ken-dell. It was so funny when he was telling us his name and told us that there is literally a hyphen in his name. So cool.
Wednesday we did service for a less active sister in the ward and I got to jump in a huge pile of leaves. It was super fun. And afterwards we asked her if we could practice teaching with her, so Elder Flake could get better, etc. She said sure and we planned to do restoration but she wanted the plan of salvation which Elder Flake has never taught or even practiced yet, and she GRILLED him. It was so hilarious. I was on the end of the sofa dying laughing while Elder Flake was sweating to answer her tough questions haha. She gave us a bunch of food and we ate at this gorgeous little place that looks out onto Doctors Lake. It was great.
New Years Eve was rough. At least teaching people wise. SO we got some lunch at Steak N' Shake to make ourselves feel better. It worked. The other elders have been staying at our place for about a week since they have bed bugs and it has been a party! New years eve we kept with Toolson family tradition and watched a ton of movies, church approved of course! We shot off little popper things before we went to bed too, so all in all it was a good new years eve.
We had another run in with Rex who I talked about last letter I think. He kept kept texting us on the phone so I don't think he knew we dropped him, so we went over and made sure he knew that he was dropped. He kept trying to prove us wrong and trying to bible bash and I just got really tired of it. After he finished his speech and asked us why we aren't more worried that our religion is false, I just said, "I really don't know what to tell you, the Book of Mormon is true." Which it is!
The rest of the week was pretty uneventful except yesterday was pretty funny. We were on our way back to our apartment at night and it was raining, so everything was slick. and on his way up onto the sidewalk Elder Flake's bike slid and he totally ATE it. So this lady stops and asks if we are alright, and me and Elder Flake are just doubled over dying laughing and we tell her it's all good. That's my week, kind of boring one this week, but hey, Happy New Year!!!!! It's going to be a GREAT one.
Elder Toolson, Elder Flake, and Elder Loder
Elder Flake
Left: Elder Flake, Elder Loder, Right: Elder Dean, Elder Toolson
Lunch after a District Meeting
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