March 3, 2015
Hey Y'all!
Well, as you've probably guessed from the title I'm leaving Starke. I'm super sad about it, but guess where I get to go now?! Waycross!! I've totally accomplished my goal of serving in Georgia at least once in the mission. I'll be serving with Elder Carrington there and all that jazz happens tomorrow. I can't really remember anything that happened this week to be honest. I usually leaf through my journal before I come here but we've had a crazy P-day today so I'll explain that. The Lake Butler Elders and two of their investigators came over here to Starke this morning and we all ate our free pancakes at IHOP (its national pancake day btw, hit that up if you can). So we ate there awhile and came back to the church. We played basketball for maybe 2-3 hours until we were dead tired. The Beckhams came over to the church while they were in Starke to say goodbye, so that was pretty nice. I'm totally going to miss everyone... Anyways after they left and we got tired we went to IHOP again this time in our P-day clothes and got some more free pancakes. Haha working the system!
Which brings us to now. Anyways this past week we had zone meeting over in Lake City when we were supposed to get our new ipads but they were late and we ended up getting them yesterday! I'm in the process of trying to recover all of my Mormon Messages and general conference talks that I had downloaded before. We've had pretty good days and pretty bad days this week. On Saturday the Cowart's baptism was put off for a later date so it's pretty depressing I won't be here for that and an investigator dropped us that day too. Nothing to do but move on I guess. But yesterday we had a super good tracting hour and got 2 lessons and some solid new investigators as well as 2 return appointments. A lot of this information is probably irrelavent since I'm going to a new area and won't be able to follow up on it but it happened.
Funny story of the week, we found this guy yesterday who yelled over at us before we talked to him. He was super drunk and wanted to know why we saw him as a sinner because he drank coffee and smoked and drank and other things. We tried explaining ourselves and Jesus Christ has asked us to become as He is, perfect. But apparently he wrote a thesis on the fact that Jesus was in fact not perfect and was born "a bastard child" because Mary had been raped by Roman Centurions..... so weird the things we hear sometimes. But here's some correct doctrine and a quote I really love from Neal A. Maxwell since I don't have that much in the way of events this week. "Moments are the molecules that make up eternity" I loved that quote. Neal A. Maxwell is very much a speaker to the intellectual inside of us and I enjoy reading and rereading his talks and learn something new each time. So make every moment count, we have so very little time on this earth. When you stand at the judgment seat and are asked what you have been doing down on earth, will you be able to say that you were a follower of Christ and have been busy building up his kingdom? Or merely give the answer we usually do when that question is asked with a "not much..." Hope y'all have a great week and I'll give you the lowdown on Waycross next week!
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