October 19, 2015
Hey Y'all!
This week has been a great one! Last p-day my email was a little short... whoops. We had a "district" p-day at the stake center which basically turned into a zone p-day haha. There were about thirty missionaries there plus a bunch of members from the YSA came and we all played volleyball. I mostly sat off to the side and talked all day because I got to see Elder Sunderland again! I miss that man. So we basically just talked all day and he caught me up on how Waycross is doing and stuff. It was pretty nice. That P-day ended way too fast.
Anyway, on Tuesday, we had a Zone meeting over at the institute and President and Sister Craig came. They have been coming to the past several, I think because almost every companionship in our zone is either training or with a greenie. After zone meeting we all went out to lunch at the Ocean Buffet which is legendary around here. It's this super good asian buffet and we got to eat with everyone. The highlight was probably about halfway through when Elder Geist (a missionary on the other side of town) just yells at everyone to be quiet, and we start to hear this tune over the radio, and then Elder Geist just starts singing along because it turns out they were playing "Jesus, O Thou Great Jehovah" over the radio. I thought it was hilarious they were playing church hymns at the Asian buffet. Also side note, something else I about died laughing at is that the 3rd ward Elders were telling us about this members background info and it said this guy believed he was called to be a destroying angel haha. Oh my gosh.
On Wednesday we biked out into the boonies trying to find some less-actives, we were moderately successful, and we stopped to take a selfie with some horses in the process so it was definitely worth it (don't worry I'll attach it). We met with a recent convert that day and she was being super funny the entire time. she was talking about this Christian book store that hates the Mormons around here and she said if she went in there and they told her she wasn't Christian she would say, "I'm more Christian than you!" that made my day haha. And we taught Book of Mormon class that night. When we got back that night Elder Smith just looked at me and said, " We biked a marathon today..." so I guess we biked 26 miles.
Thursday we knocked into this guy Colton. He's about 17 or so. Anyways he is so golden. He opens the door and we teach the whole restoration right there on his doorstep and then we asked if there would be a better time to come back and teach him a little bit more, and he says, "Well I got some time now" so we basically go in and ask him if he has any questions and they were all about the plan of salvation, so we ended up teaching him that too and then we figured we might as well just go for it and invite him to baptism so we did. He hasn't committed to a date yet, but we'll see. So yeah we basically just taught the first 3 lessons all in one. It was pretty great. We had dinner with the Dahls that night and they gave us cheesecake...super good. We also went out with Bro Lee (our ward mission leader) and saw a couple of less-actives that night.
Friday we went out to Archer and saw a bunch of people. I guess I was feeling adventurous or something but at the end of the lesson with this Less-active I asked him what plant that was on his front porch and he said it was a plant with super hot peppers. I guess I didn't believe him sooo I ate one. It burned my mouth and I had to hold back tears for like 30 mins. It was terrible but worth the experience. I also totally gave a couple to the sisters yesterday. They are going to hate me... We ate at this super sketchy restaurant in Archer called Los Avinas, and it was actually some of the best mexican I've ever had. We also went out and saw this crazy guy Harold. During the lessons he said if we feel something biting us it's probably fleas... I think that paints a picture pretty well of the situation we were in.
Saturday we biked about a million miles and had a super powerful lesson with this investigator at the Burger King. And yesterday we had a pretty good church and we had dinner with the Christensens. They fed us spare ribs and they were so darn good. We had a last minute lesson before we were about to head in and called it a week! Love all of you!
Elder Toolson
Love the selfie