Last week's email I meant to send.
Hey y'all!
This week has been great! we taught a TON of people this week, almost got twice as many lessons as we did last week so that's good. Last Monday we had dinner at the Frank's house and knocked some doors that night. We ran into these people who talked about their ducks for a solid 15 min., so that was fun.
Tuesday I got to go to High Springs with Elder Hartvigsen! We actually temporarily came back to Gainesville to help this member get a sleeper sofa (the sofa with a bed inside of it) into the back of his SUV, so that was intense. I basically destroyed my back in the process, good gracious. It's okay though because he treated us to Wendy's after. We did normal missionary stuff most of the day. I was Really tired so I picked up some junk food at a gas station to keep me going haha. That was my last exchange with Elder Hartvigsen though because both he and Elder Purcell are leaving, so that's super sad. Basically our entire district is leaving... the only companionship that hasn't changed is me and Elder Smith, so it'll be an interesting one this transfer.
On Wednesday, we did service for Bro. and Sis. Willingham. We picked up sticks around their huge yard and got to feed their pet chicken. They call it Black Beauty and I thinks it's the funniest thing ever. This chicken comes in the house at night and is basically an indoor/outdoor pet chicken. Anyways, we had dinner with the Dahl's and taught Book of Mormon class that night to everyone. It was on Alma 8-12, where Alma and Amulek team up and lay a spiritual smackdown on everyone in town and especially Zeezrom. Some good chapters....
Thursday I was on my death bed (not really) but I was super sick. I usually get really mad that I'm sick about half way or so through the day because it's boring as all get out. So I sucked it up and went out anyways :) We went to the Valentine's that night for dinner and they had a non-member friend over there too. Good thing we went.
Friday we planned for the next week and knocked into this lady Debbie. She had met missionaries 20 years ago, but she either forgot or it wasn't us because she thought we didn't believe in the Holy Spirit... we cleared that one up and invited her to church. We actually set up a "church swap" with her and agreed to go to her church if she came to ours.
On Saturday, we helped a member move out of the ward, and went out to Archer that day. We tried tracking down a bunch of names and saw Howard that night. Sunday Debbie did end up coming to church and it was one of the most powerful fast and testimony meetings I've ever been in. If I could choose the one day I wanted everyone to show up to church, it was this one. So we went to Debbie's church that night around 7. She goes to what's called "The Greenhouse" church over at University of Florida. It was pretty intense. I had a ton of fun. There was a mega loud christian rock band up front and people waving their hands in the air and screaming hallelujah in my ear, it was great! And then Preacher Mike came and gave us a sermon on joy and quoted Philippians quite a bit. It was a good experience for me to get a perspective on the way these people believe.
Yesterday, was a pretty uneventful day, other than the fact I got to stand about five feet away from this super huge eagle ( I didn't get any closer because I thought it would claw my face off...) but yeah, I'll attach the picture.
One huge revelation I had this morning was in Mosiah 2:34. I forget if I've told you or not, but I'm doing a Book of Mormon read through on the Atonement, and just decided a couple days ago to start a power scripture wall, just short powerful scriptures I find. It said, " are eternally indebted to your heavenly father, to render him all that you have and are;"
It's my privilege to even try and pay him back by being in his service these 2 years and the rest of my life. I love my Heavenly Father and I love all of you. Have a good week!
Elder Toolson
David and his Eagle (Jim thinks it's a Falcon)
Power Scripture Wall
Florida University Stadium (David is in the corner on the right)
David doing his Florida University Gator Clap
I agree with Jim (because I'm a fowl expert).