Hey Y'all!
Wow. What a week. It feels like an eternity all packed into 7 little days. So much has happened. First of all, I'm moving! Yep. I got transferred. For my very last transfer. But that's okay. I'm headed down to Ocala 1st ward which is still in the Gville zone. That means I have spent half of my mission in the beautiful, beautiful Gainesville Zone. I love it. I already know my companion Elder Marchant pretty well and am excited to work with him. He is a work horse and we are going to crush it this transfer. Baptize nations. I will miss this ward and area so so bad. I LOVE these people and this is tied for my favorite, if not my favorite area. Love this ward so much. Awesome people. Awesome investigators. But off to Ocala I go.
Last Monday we had Debra's baptism interview and it went great! We sat and talked with Frank while it happened.
Tuesday we went to a district meeting in Chiefland and went on an exchange afterward with the Cross City Elders. District was powerful and the tradeoff was great. It took me back to the good ol' days when I used to serve in the Styx. We drove around and taught some amazing people and it was really good to get to know and work with the elders there.
Wednesday we drove straight back and went the YSA district's District Meeting. It was Elder Stoker's "funeral" if you don't remember, me and him have served around each other for a majority of our missions and he is only a transfer older than me. It was weird and is weird watching him approach death...
Thursday we had our own district meeting and that went great also. We are currently having a competition that whoever invites the most people to baptism gets the "baptismal truck"--some kids toy that's our trophy for it (we won by the way :) )
Saturday Debra got baptized!!! It was great and a good spiritual experience. We served at Farmshare that morning and drove up to High Springs. It was so much fun and that is when President Lee called me and told me that I am getting released. Since then we have been saying goodbye to a few people.
Below are some people that I always talk about. I took a goodbye picture with Sheila (who came to church yesterday!!!) and the Grants. I'm going to miss them both.
Love y'all and have an awesome week!
P.S: Mom, the Grant's are huge Walking Dead fans and they bought a knock off of Michone's katana and I got to hold it! Thought you'd appreciate it.
Elder Toolson
Elder Toolson and Sheila
Elder Toolson and the Grant's
The Katana
I have no idea
Debra's Baptism
Gainesville District
Elder Stoker's Funeral
Top: Sister Tofilau, Sister Warr. Middle:
David, Bottom: Elder Smith
Love these. I'm going to miss seeing his fun emails, but it will be fun to see his fun face in person soon! ;)