May 2, 2016
Hey Y'all!
First off, transfers have struck again.... I'm getting a new ZL companion. His name is Elder Parker Smith. This will be my second Elder Smith companion. Super sad to lose Elder Vance but he gets to go up to Georgia. There were TONS of switches in my zone this transfer so it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. In all we have 23 companionships in the zone (46 missionaries). We have 4 districts, with 2 here in Gainesville, one in Chiefland and one in Ocala. But I'm really excited for this transfer! A lot of good thngs are happening.
Tuesday this week we went to MLC (Mission Leadership Council) and got our new focuses for the mission. It was awesome. Really good experience. We had our Trade-off with the AP's after and I went with Elder Beard and we had a super fun time. We taught some people, ate some dinner and set a baptismal date with someone too! We also got harmonicas from a recent convert.
We had to wake up at 5 on Wednesday to go help out with seminary (we ended up just sitting there and eating donuts...) we played tennis with some others elders and I got to see Elder Coy again! Gotta love those reunions. We traveled back and went straight to district meeting and I gave a training about the Holy Ghost in our teaching. It went pretty good.
We had a pretty average rest of the week. We knocked into a gay guy, who was super hilarious and he asked if I wanted water and I said yeah, so he comes out with a regular kitchen cup and tells me to keep it.... So I was walking around the rest of our knocking time with a cup in my hand... And then pretty much the only other noteworthy thing is we knocked on this door looking for a potential investigator and found this guy who had just moved here. He had been taking the lessons for 3 years and went to church and everything! He's is gonna get dunked! And yesterday we had a bunch of people in church and a break the fast after! Have a good week.
Love y'all!!!
Elder Toolson
The cup the guy gave him knocking doors.
The kid is from a Farmshare food distribution we did in Williston. He modified his back tire so that he just rides on his rim and we thought it was way funny
The car was from my Tradeoff in JAX. We ate at a member's for dinner and he let us sit in his Jaguar.